
  • ERASMUS + ” GREENovation & STEAMpreneurship – GreenSteam” 2023-1-BG01-KA220-HED-000155940 – 31/12/2023 – 30/12/2025 – The GREENovation & STEAMpreneurship project addresses students and graduates from STEAM fields of study, especially female learners, with no previous entrepreneurship knowledge or experience. The initiative will foster innovation, entrepreneurship spirit, and growth mindset, build awareness on the issues of climate changes, sustainability, and environmental challenges, and promote key skills for change-making, such as collaboration, leadership, creative problem-solving, planning and managing resources effectively, and presentation of ideas in a persuasive way. To achieve this, it will create an open learning platform with a flipped training course and toolkit with interactive materials for students and will organize a 6-month Hackathon, during which at least 250 students will exploit the training materials, collaborate in solving challenges, and present the results in demonstration events. 
  • ERASMUS+ KA2 “From ESG Integration to Impact Investing” – KA2: Strategic Partnership for Higher Education – Developing, testing and implementing innovative approaches and practices for study programmes, students, staff and organisations.
    The project involves the preparation of teaching materials on impact finance and ESG investments.
    Three types of output are planned: one course dedicated to European citizens, one course dedicated to graduates, one course dedicated to professionals and investors. Courses will be structured as distant learning courses.
    Partners Universities: Universitat Liechtenstein (applicant); Università di Roma “La Sapienza” (partner); Università Unitelma Sapienza (partner); Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia (partner)
    Duration: 36 MONTHS 01/09/2019 – 31/08/2022
  • ERASMUS+ “CORAL – Creating OppoRtunities for Adult Learners through entrepreneurial competences” has a duration of 25 months (01/09/2019 – 30-09-2021) and it’s coordinated by the Association ALFMED (France), it includes 8 partners from Italy (among which Unitelma Sapienza), Spain, United Kingdom, Sweden, Malta, Czech Republic and Poland. Aims of the project concern the development of a set of tools to evaluate, educate and recognize entrepreneurial skills.
    These results provide for the creation of 3 products concerning: a) the design, testing and validation of a training course and the relevant specific evaluation tool for the needs of target users;
    b) the development of a mixed educational methodology (Online Start-Up Academy and Start-it LAB) promoting motivation for lifelong learning, exploiting the capacity building of beneficiaries;
    c) the development of a path for the recognition of skills acquired through non-formal and informal learning to support professional updating for educators and adult work consultants.
  • ERASMUS+ “MaYFAir – MobilitY For All: the Fair Choice” has a duration of 32 months (01/09/2019 – 30/04/2022), is coordinated by Alphabet Formation (Belgium). It includes 8 partners from Italy (among which Unitelma Sapienza), Spain, Greece and Belgium.
    Aims of the project concern the design, development and validation of a methodological kit and of a MOOC for mobility promoters, aimed at the implementation of strategies to support the internationalization of VET providers (Vocational Education and Training, ovvero, istruzione e formazione professionale), through the recognition, design and validation of training objectives defined in the framework of mobility abroad through work-based learning (WBL, Work-Based Learning). MaYFAir develop and verify methodological tools to strengthen the synergy between ECVET- (EQF) – NQF, with the aim of fostering the link between national qualifications and recognition of learning at NF level (National Framework, national context) and/or IF (International Framework, international context).
  • Osservatorio sui Fondi Sanitari Italiani – Vis Valore in Sanità – The Observatory promoted by VIS (Valore in Sanità), analyses the strategic, governance and investment prospects of Health Funds and Pension Funds.
  • Finanza Sostenibile per Roma Capitale – The Project includes a feasibility study for Roma Capitale’s investments with social and environmental impact.


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