Mastrogiorgio Antonio


Settore scientifico disciplinare: SECS-P/10 Organizzazione aziendale


Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche ed Economiche (DSGE)



Nuovi modelli organizzativi per la sostenibilità (CLEMI)

Organizzazione e gestione delle risorse umane nella transizione digitale (CLEMI)

Organizzazione aziendale per le imprese sostenibili (CLEA)

Organizzazione aziendale e sistemi di controllo interno (MOPS)



Antonio Mastrogiorgio è uno studioso di scienze organizzative e management. Ha conseguito il Dottorato di Ricerca presso l’Università di Bologna, ed ha condotto attività di ricerca ed insegnamento presso Carnegie Mellon University, LUISS “Guido Carli”, Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition, Università di Chieti-Pescara, Scuola IMT Alti Studi Lucca e John Cabot University.

Ha conseguito l’Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale come Professore di II Fascia in Organizzazione Aziendale.


Interessi di Ricerca

Gli interessi di ricerca di Antonio Mastrogiorgio vertono sul comportamento organizzativo, l’economia comportamentale ed evoluzionistica, la psicologia dell’innovazione. Si occupa della comprensione dei fondamenti biologici ed evoluzionistici del decision-making nelle organizzazioni attraverso l’uso di moderni paradigmi neuro-cognitivi e comportamentali.



Mastrogiorgio, A., Mastrogiorgio, M., Felin, T., & Kauffman, S. (2024). Quantum cognition in management research: A novel methodological framework with an application to causal ambiguity. European Management Review, 21(4), 939-962.

DOI: 10.1111/emre.12688

[Scientific Article]


Mastrogiorgio A., Di Nauta P., Martinez M (2024). Algorithmic transparency and algorithmic accountability in organizations, itAIS2024, The XXI Conference of the Italian Chapter of Association for Information Systems, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Piacenza, 11-12 October 2024.



Mastrogiorgio M., Mastrogiorgio A. (2024). A pluralistic perspective on the evolution of technological artifacts: the history of the electric guitar. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2024(1). (AOM 2024), 84th Annual Meeting, 9-13 August 2024, Chicago

ISSN (online): 2151-6561

[Conference Proceedings]


Cattani G., Mastrogiorgio M., Mastrogiorgio A. (2024). A pluralistic perspective on the evolution of technological artifacts: the history of the electric guitar. Druid 2024 Conference, 11-13 June 2024, Nice, France.



Mastrogiorgio A. (2024). Meta-learning: Bayesian or Quantum? Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 47: e154.


[Scientific Article]


Gallagher S. & Mastrogiorgio A. (2024), Economic interactions that are beyond simulation, Journal of Economic Interaction & Coordination,

DOI: 10.1007/s11403-024-00410-6

[Scientific Article]


Mastrogiorgio A. & Di Nauta P. (2024). Il Comportamento Esplorativo nell’Organizzazione, Minerva Editore. In Collana Studi MOA (foreword of Marcello Martinez).

ISBN: 978-88- 98-85448-6



Mastrogiorgio A. (2024). Does money make us happier? Brain Awareness Week, John Cabot University, 13 March 2024.

[Scientific Outreach]


Mastrogiorgio A. & Lattanzi N. (2023). Opaque Decision-Making in Organizations, International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 31(5), pp. 1243-1256.

DOI: 10.1108/IJOA-12-2022-3523

[Scientific Article]


Marchetti J. & Mastrogiorgio A. (2023). Becoming Fake: An Evolutionary-Behavioral Framework on Fake News (January 27, 2023). Working paper available at SSRN: or

[Paper on Scientific Repository]


Mastrogiorgio A., & Ooms F. (2023). Intrinsic brain activity in organizations. Academy of Management, Conference in Organisational Neuroscience, Rotterdam Business School 16-17 June 2023.



Di Gruttola F., Mastrogiorgio A., Orfei M.D., D’Arcangelo S., Lattanzi N., Ricciardi E., Malizia P.A. (2023). Cognitive load dissonance and personality factors: an empirical analysis in organizational settings, bioRxiv, doi:   

[Paper on Scientific Repository]


Mastrogiorgio A. (2022). A Quantum Predictive Brain: Complementarity between top-down predictions and bottom-up evidence, Frontiers in Psychology. 13:869894.

DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.869894

[Scientific Article]


Bossi F., Di Gruttola F., Mastrogiorgio A., D’Arcangelo S., Lattanzi N., Malizia A.P. & Ricciardi E. (2022). Estimating successful internal mobility: A comparison between Structural Equation Models and Machine Learning algorithms, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence. 5:848015.

DOI: 10.3389/frai.2022.848015

[Scientific Article]


Mastrogiorgio A. (2022). Business Game e Neuroscienze Organizzative, In Report: New Frontiers in Gaming, A cura di Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center.

ISBN: 978-88-946906-0-6

[Scientific Report]


Cristofaro M., Giardino P. L., Malizia A. & Mastrogiorgio A. (2022). Affect and Cognition in Managerial Decision Making: A Systematic Literature Review of Neuroscience Evidence, Frontiers in Psychology. 13:762993.

DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.762993

[Scientific Article]


Mastrogiorgio A., & Lattanzi N. (2022). Phasic and tonic alertness in opportunity recognition. Proceedings of the EURAM 2022 Conference. ZHAW School of Management and Law, Winterthur, Switzerland, 15-17 June 2022.

ISBN 978-2-9602195-4-8

[Conference Proceedings]


Menicagli D., & Mastrogiorgio A. (2022). Rethinking affordances as embodied nudging. In Bellandi T., Frangioni G., Atti del XII Congresso Nazionale SIE 2022. 2-3-4 Maggio 2022, IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca.

ISBN: 979-12-210-1456-3

[Conference Proceedings]


Mastrogiorgio A., Adamo A., Lattanzi R., Ricciardi E, (2022 – forthcoming). Neuroscienze e governo delle aziende, Convegno SIDREA 2022, IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca, 20-21 October 2022, Lucca.



Mastrogiorgio A., Felin T., Kauffman S. & Mastrogiorgio M. (2022). More thumbs than rules: Is rationality an exaptation? Frontiers in Psychology. 13:805743.

DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.805743

[Scientific Article]


Malizia A.P., Bassetti T., Menicagli D., Patuelli A., D’Arcangelo S., Lattanzi N., Bossi F. & Mastrogiorgio A. (2021). Not all sales performance is created equal: personality and interpersonal traits in inbound and outbound marketing activities, Archives Italiennes de Biologie. 159, pp. 107-122.

DOI: 10.12871/000398292021341

[Scientific Article]


Mastrogiorgio A. (2021), Vigor and aspiration levels in neuroeconomics, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 44, E129.


[Scientific Article]


Malizia A. & Mastrogiorgio A. (2021). The Cognitive-Emotional interactions in the brain: an organizational neuroscience perspective. In Cristofaro M., Emotion, Cognition and Their Marvellous Interplay in Managerial Decision Making, Cambridge Scholars.

ISBN: 1-5275-6720-6

[Chapter on Book]


Mastrogiorgio A., (2021). Il benessere organizzativo: tra passato e presente. Innovation Trend Report (Volume 4), Intesa Sanpaolo.

[Scientific Report]


Mastrogiorgio A. Petracca E., Palumbo R., (2021). Extended cognition and the innovation process. In Cattani G., Mastrogiorgio M., New developments in evolutionary innovation: Novelty creation in a serendipitous economy. Oxford University Press.

ISBN: 9780198837091

[Chapter on Book]


Mastrogiorgio A., Zaninotto F., Maggi F., Ricciardi E., Lattanzi N. & Malizia P. A. (2021). Enhancing Organizational Memory Through Virtual Memoryscapes: Does It Work?. Frontiers in Psychology, 12:683870.

DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.683870

[Scientific Article]


Mastrogiorgio A. & Malizia P. A. (1 Giugno 2021) Smart working e transizione ecologica: cos’è e come funziona “l’opzione smart”.

[Newspaper Article]


Gallese V., Mastrogiorgio A., Petracca E. & Viale R., (2021). Embodied Bounded Rationality. In Viale R. (Ed), Handbook of Bounded Rationality. London: Routledge.

ISBN: 9781138999381

[Chapter on Book]


Orfei M.D. & Mastrogiorgio A. (2021). Lo smart working nella società digitale. Impatto su società e individuo in una prospettiva neuropsicologica e comportamentale. Tecnical Report – Neuroscience Lab – Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center.

[Scientific Report]


Mastrogiorgio A. (2020). Opaqueness as a mark of minimal intelligence, ZI Conference, Yale School of Management, Yale University, 22-24 October 2020.



Mastrogiorgio A. & Mastrogiorgio M. (2020). The Role of Affordance Landscapes in Exaptive Innovations. In La Porta, C., Zapperi, S., Pilotti L., Understanding innovation through exaptation. Springer Nature.

ISBN: 978-3-030-45784-6

[Chapter on Book]


Mastrogiorgio A., Gallagher S. & Petracca E., (2019). Economic reasoning and interaction in socially extended market institutions. From brain to behavior: neuroscience and the social sciences, AISC midterm conference 2019.  IMT School for Advanced Studies, Lucca,  22-24 May 2019.



Gallagher S., Mastrogiorgio A., & Petracca E. (2019). Economic reasoning and interaction in socially extended market institutions. Frontiers in Psychology, 10:1856. 

DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01856

[Scientific Article]


Mastrogiorgio A., & Palumbo R., (2018). Insight unwelcome. Second International Conference on Exaptation and Inverse Question-Driven Innovation. Palazzo Feltrinelli, Gargnano sul Garda, 26-27-28 April 2018.



Mastrogiorgio A., & Petracca E. (2018). Satisficing as an alternative to optimality and suboptimality in perceptual decision making. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 41, pp. 28-29.

DOI: 10.1017/S0140525X18001358

[Scientific Article]


Felin T., Kauffman S., Mastrogiorgio, A., & Mastrogiorgio M. (2016). Factor Markets, Actors and Affordances. Industrial and Corporate Change, 25(1) (Special Section: Exaptation as Source of Creativity, Innovation, and Diversity), pp. 133-147.  

DOI: 10.1093/icc/dtv049

[Scientific Article]


Di Berardino C., Mastrogiorgio A., Monaco E. & Palumbo R. (2016). Le forme di contagio finanziario nella Regione Abruzzo. Evidenze empiriche e sviluppo di un modello di analisi. Progetto finanziato da Abruzzo Sviluppo  SpA in  qualità di ente gestore dell’accordo programma “Abruzzo 2015”, scheda progettuale “AS2 – Sistema anticrisi”.

[Scientific Report]


Mastrogiorgio A., & Petracca E. (2016). Embodying Rationality. In Magnani L. & Casadio C. (Eds), Model-Based Reasoning in Science and Technology. Springer, pp. 219-237. 

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-38983-7

[Chapter on Book]


Mastrogiorgio A. (2016). An Ecology of Nudges. Fourth International Workshop of Herbert Simon Society: Behavioral Economics Nudges and Heuristics for Public Policies. Turin, 15 October 2016.



Biggiero L., & Mastrogiorgio A. (2016). A methodology to measure the hierarchical degree of formal organizations. In Biggiero L. (Ed), Relational Methodologies and Epistemology in Economics and Management Sciences. IGI Global pp. 206-231. 

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-9770-6.ch007

[Chapter on Book]


Mastrogiorgio, A (2016). A methodology to measure the hierarchical degree of formal organizations. Italian Systems Society (AIRS). Rome, 11 December 2015. 

[Scientific Talk]


Mastrogiorgio, A., (2015). Commentary: Cognitive Reflection Versus Calculation in Decision Making. Frontiers in Psychology, 6:936.

DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00936 

[Scientific Article]


Mastrogiorgio A., & Petracca E. (2015). Which embodiment for a theory of rationality? Model-Based Reasoning Conference 2015. Sestri Levante, 25-27 June 2015.



Mastrogiorgio A., & Petracca E. (2015). Razionalità Incarnata. Sistemi Intelligenti, 27(3), pp. 481-504.

DOI: 10.1422/82223

[Scientific Article]


Mastrogiorgio A., & Petracca E. (2014). Numerals as triggers of System 1 and System 2 in the ‘bat and ball’ problem. Mind & Society, 13 (Special Issue: Bounded Rationality updated), pp. 135-148. 

DOI: 10.1007/s11299-014-0138-8

[Scientific Article]


Interview about psychology of decision making on the mass circulation Italian newspaper Oggi in 2013.



Carena A. & Mastrogiorgio A., Gli errori della ragione. Talk at the Festival Comportamenti Umani, Lodi, 12 May 2013.

[Scientific Outreach]


Mastrogiorgio A., & Petracca E. (2013). The embodiment of slow and fast thinking. 1st Conference Herbert Simon Society: Bounded Rationality Updated. New York, 8-10 April 2013.



Mastrogiorgio A., & Petracca E. (2013). Slow and fast thinking: what can Embodied Cognition reveal? Vienna Center for Experimental Economics, University of Vienna, 18 January 2013. 

[Scientific Talk]


Carena A., & Mastrogiorgio A. (2012). La trappola del Comandante. Alla scoperta degli errori cognitivi che ci impediscono di decidere correttamente. Rizzoli-Etas (foreword of Massimo Egidi).

ISBN: 978-88-17-05889-6



Mastrogiorgio A., & Petracca E. (2012). Rationality beyond Cognitivism: the hypothesis of embodied rationality. In Bondarevskaya I., Tkalych M. (Eds), Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference: Integration Potential of Modern Psychology and Directions of its Development, Zaporizhzhya National University, Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine, October 2012 (pp. 44-46).

ISBN: 978-966-599-388-9

[Conference Proceedings]


Mastrogiorgio A., & Petracca E. (2012). Setting the ground for a theory of embodied rationality. In Gasiorowska A., Zaleskiewicz T. (Eds), Microcosm of Economic Psychology, Proceedings of IAREP Conference 2012, Wroclaw, 5-8 September 2012 (p. 201).

ISBN: 978-83-935288-1-3

[Conference Proceedings]


Mastrogiorgio A. (2012). Embodied Rationality. Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research (KLI). 13 December 2012.

[Scientific Talk]


Barberio V., Mastrogiorgio A., & Lomi A. (2011). Individuals’ use of e-mail communication genres in open source software community building. Human Technology, 7(1), pp. 30-48. 

DOI: 10.17011/ht/urn.201152310898

[Scientific Article]


Mastrogiorgio A. (2011). The embodied dimension of rationality: a hypothesis. IAREP/SABE/ICABEEP Conference 2011. University of Exeter, 12-16 July 2011.



Biggiero L., & Mastrogiorgio A. (2011). Firms’ absorptive capacity and industrial cluster dynamics: an application of Boolean networks. ARS 2011. Third International Workshop on Social Network Analysis ARS’11 – Collaboration Networks and Knowledge Diffusion: Theory, Data and Methods,  (p. 45), Napoli, 23-25 June 2011.



Biggiero L., & Mastrogiorgio A. (2011). On the nature of exaptation and the complex co-generation of objects and functions. 10th International Conference of Sociocybernetics:  Sociocybernetics and the increasing complexity of social life, (pp. 22-23), Cracow University of Economics, Cracow, 20-25 June 2011.



Mastrogiorgio A., & Carena A. (2010). Epistemic Framing Effect: A hypothesis. In Fetchenhauer D., Pradel J., Hoelzl E. (Eds), A boat trip through economic change, Proceedings of the IAREP/SABE/ICABEEP Conference, Cologne, 2010 (pp. 166-167).

ISBN: 978-3-89967-651-8

[Conference Proceedings]


Mastrogiorgio A. (2009). La memoria nell’agire organizzativo. VII Ciclo di Seminari sull’Agire Organizzativo, University of Milan, 2009.

[Scientific Talk]


Barberio V., Mastrogiorgio A., Lomi A. (2009). Coordination and discussion in a virtual community of production: a semantic network analysis. X workshop dei Docenti e Ricercatori di Organizzazione Aziendale. University of Cagliari, Cagliari, 29-30 Aprile 2009.



Mastrogiorgio A., & Barberio V. (2007). Cluster Culturali e Sviluppo Locale. In Azioni e politiche delle autonomie locali per la competitività dei sistemi economici e territoriali, Forum delle Autonomie Locali per la Competitività del sistema Paese. Dipartimento della Funzione Pubblica, Ministero per le Riforme e le Innovazioni nella Pubblica Amministrazione; Formez; FormAutonomie (pp. 133-150).

[Scientific Report]


Del Gatto S., & Mastrogiorgio A. (2006). Stimoli olfattivi e preferenze del consumatore: un’analisi empirica nel settore turistico. International Congress “Marketing Trends”. University of Venice “Ca’ Foscari”, 20-21 January 2006.
