Jean Monnet Module PLAT.EU
News and Activities

Lobbying and Participation. Views from Latin America and the European Union
On Tuesday 9 January 2025 from 9:30 am to 11:30 am, an international conference on the topic “Lobbying and Participation. Views from Latin America and the European Union” will be held in the conference hall of the UnitelmaSapienza University. The conference will be the opportunity to celebrate and conclude the first edition of the Jean Monnet Module PLAT-EU and to lauch the Call for Applications for 25 scholarships to participate in the second edition of the Summer School, which will take place from 30 June to 4 July 2025.

Jean Monnet Intensive Summer School on Participation, Lobbying andTransparency in the EU Institutions (PLAT.EU)
On Monday 22 April at 14:00, in hybrid modality, it was presented the call for application for the participation in the first edition of the Jean Monnet Intensive Summer School onPARTICIPATION, LOBBYING AND TRANSPARENCY IN THE EU INSTITUTIONS.
On Monday 13 May at 11:00 a.m. the selection of the participants to the first edition of the Jean Monnet Intensive Summer School on PARTICIPATION, LOBBYING AND TRANSPARENCY IN THE EU INSTITUTIONS ended with the meeting of the monitoring committee.
On Monday 24 June all preparatory video lectures and the Training Material Package have been published on the ESSE3 public platform;
The [PLAT.EU] Summer School will start on Monday 1 July, with a class of 25 participants from EU and non-EU countries such as Australia, Brazil, Argentina and Colombia.
UnitelmaSapienza. Una storia centenaria al servizio del tuo futuro.
Le immatricolazioni per l'a.a. 2024/2025 partiranno dal 1 novembre 2024.