Training Course in Neonatology

12 months


Open enrolment

In this course, doctors gain comprehensive knowledge of diseases of preterm and term infants including the underlying physiology and management. They also gain clinical competency in acute resuscitation and all procedures required in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. The program is subdivided into 18 modules each having a series of lessons, with a total number of sixty-four lessons.

Download Study Plan
Content and Programme
The course includes 70 video lessons given by experts in the field presenting the main neonatal diseases and the most frequent diagnostic and therapeutic interventions.
Particular attention is given to the clinical aspects which are explained in a simple way, thanks to the use of images and video.
The course shows the main techniques and the operation of numerous and complex devices normally used in neonatal intensive care units.
The program of the course is subdivided into the following 18 modules:
- Module I. Perinatal Medicine
- Module II. General aspects of Neonatology
- Module III. Immuno-Haematology
- Module IV. Care
- Module V. Pneumology
- Module VI. Nutrition and Gastroenterology
- Module VII. Surgical problems
- Module VIII. Infections
- Module IX. Neurology
- Module X. Techniques and procedures
- Module XI. Genetics/ Metabolic diseases
- Module XII. Ophtalmological deseases
- Module XIII. Screening
- Module XIV. Radiology
- Module XV. Nephrology
- Module XVI. Dermatology
- Module XVII. Devices and instruments
- Module XVIII. Cardiology
More details on the course programme can be found in the “Study Plan” document.
Admission Requirements
To enrol this you must own a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree and must be a doctor or a nurse qualified to practice that profession.
Access to the platform will be allowed for a period of 12 months from the date of enrolment.
After completing the course the student will receive a certificate of participation. The course does not grant credits (ECTS).
The registration fee for the course is € 30,00.
Discounted fees can be applied under special conditions. For more information send an email to