Department of Law and Economics
The Department is the main core facility for research and training activities.
All lecturers and researchers working at UnitelmaSapienza are affiliated with the Department of Law and Economics, established on 1 November 2014 and currently directed by Prof. Nicola Napoletano.
The Department’s research objectives are primarily focused on the analysis of issues relating to forms of state and government and relationships with supranational legal systems, the operation of the market, the economic and econometric models required to understand the most important economic and financial phenomena, and society – particularly the information society. Special attention is paid to the relationships between the actors operating in these different fields and to the changes currently taking place, with regard to public-private relations and interactions between the various levels of governance (local, national and supranational).
The main powers of the Department can be found in Article 9 of the Statute.
To contact the department, you can send an email to the Department Administration Office