

Living Heritage goes to School

October 17: International Day of Intangible Cultural Heritage

On October 17, 2003, UNESCO adopted the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. To mark this occasion, starting this year, October 17 has been proclaimed International Day of Intangible Cultural Heritage. To celebrate the event, the UNESCO Chair on Intangible Cultural Heritage and Comparative Law of University of Rome Unitelma Sapienza has promoted a nationwide initiative that, through differentiated educational activities, brings the 2003 UNESCO Convention to elementary, middle and high schools, to raise awareness and spark curiosity about Intangible Cultural Heritage through education, one of UNESCO’s primary missions.

With the help of a “toolkit” created by the UNESCO Chair, containing supplementary didactic materials, PowerPoint slides, audiovisual content and proposals for activities to be carried out in the classroom with students, teachers were able to create opportunities for encounter and exchange, interpersonal and intercultural, on the concepts and values of “living heritage.”

This experimental project stems from the conviction that it is of utmost importance to stimulate these kinds of reflections precisely in the new generations, to make sure that what has connoted the history and continues to connote the present of communities (that is, those knowledges, traditions, practices, which, being handed down from generation to generation, define their identities) is not lost.

Schools that have joined the initiative promoted by the UNESCO Chair on Intangible Cultural Heritage and Comparative Law at Unitelma Sapienza:

Report from schools

Testo alternativo video 2

Liceo Scientifico “E. Fermi”

Liceo “Galileo Galilei”

Testo alternativo video 1
Testo alternativo video 1

I.I.S. “Pizzini – Pisani”

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