School of Advanced Studies on Cultures, Politics and Democracy (Cu.Po.De)

The global dynamics of the last twenty years have made it clear that there is a strong connection between culture, politics and democracy. Both at a national and local level, a variety of professionals, working both in public and private institutions, feel the need for agile and immediate training, capable of guaranteeing knowledge of problems, facts and different cases with immediacy and seriousness.

Faced with the continuous upheavals of the present time, there is an increasingly felt need to identify a scientific context which, without the slow times typical of the traditional Academy, is able to provide keys to readings, interpretations and cognitive aids for finding alternative solutions: in this context and to respond to these needs, the School of Advanced Studies on Cultures, Politics and Democracy (Cu.Po.De.) was founded, in January 2023, at the behest of its current Director, Professor Pier Luigi Petrillo.

The School’s idea is based on three key-words, Cultures, Politics and Democracy, which exemplify its three thematic threads:
1) Cultural Heritages;
2) Culture of legality and participation;
3) Public good practices.

Cu.Po.De.’s activities are embedded in pluralism, which is one of the founding pillars of contemporary democracies. The diffusion of the culture (or rather of the legal instruments of protection) of pluralism, in social, economic and legal expressions, therefore represents the guiding star of the School, which in the span of just one year has already:

  • organized training courses for third parties;
  • promoted studies commissioned by third parties;
  • promoted the conclusion of scientific collaboration agreements with
  • third parties;
  • organized conferences and seminars of international importance.

Director of Cu.Po.De.


Professor Pier Luigi Petrillo

Full Professor of Comparative Public Law at the Department of Law and Digital Society of University of Rome UnitelmaSapienza


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Roma 00161

Piazza Sassari, 4

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