Gülşah Yilan
Settore scientifico disciplinare: SECS-P/06 – Economia applicata
Challenges and tools for sustainability assessment (CLEMI, LMG)
Climate and economic networks (CLEMI)
Techonology, innovation and sustainability transition (CLEMI, LMG)
Tema della ricerca
Attività di ricerca nell’ambito del seguente oggetto: -Analisi di sostenibilità sociale, economica e ambientale (anche mediante l’impiego delle metodologie LCA e S-LCA) nell’ambito della transizione verso la bioeconomia circolare; -Analisi dei comportamenti di consumatori e produttori (anche mediante l’utilizzo della metodologia sperimentale legata all’economia comportamentale) nell’ambito della transizione verso la bioeconomia circolare; -Analisi delle attività di standardizzazione, regolamentazione e di policy per promuovere la transizione verso la bioeconomia circolare” (SECS-P/02 – Politica economica)
Responsabile scientifico
Prof. Piergiuseppe Morone
Interessi di ricerca
Circular Bioeconomy (CBE), Sustainability Transition, Waste Management Strategies, Renewable Energy Technologies, Environmental Life Cycle Assessment (E-LCA), Social Life Cycle Assessment (S-LCA), Life Cycle Sustainability Analysis (LCSA), Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM), Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping (FCM), Mathematical Modelling.
- Morone, P., D’Adamo, I., Yilan, G. (2023) Editorial overview: The fashion industry wears the circular economy and sustainability, Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry, 42, 100815. (Rivista scientifica, IF: 9,3)
- Yilan, G., Cordella, M., Morone, P. (2023) Evaluating and managing the sustainability performance of investments in green and sustainable chemistry: Development and application of an approach to assess bio-based and biodegradable plastics. Current Research in Green and Sustainable Chemistry, 6, 100353. (Online ISSN: 2666-0865)
- Yilan, G., Cordella, M., Morone, P. (2022) Evaluating and managing the sustainability of investments in green chemistry: analysis of approaches and metrics. Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry, 100635. (Rivista scientifica, IF: 9,3)
- Morone, P., Yilan, G. Imbert, E., Becchetti, L. (2022). Reconciling human health with the environment while struggling against the COVID-19 pandemic through improved face mask eco-design. Scientific Reports, 12, 2445. (Rivista scientifica di Fascia A, IF: 4,996)
- Morone, P., Yilan, G., Imbert, E. (2021). Using fuzzy cognitive maps to identify better policy strategies to valorize organic waste flows: An Italian case study. Journal of Cleaner Production, 319, 128722. (Rivista scientifica di Fascia A, IF: 11,1)
- Morone, P., Yilan, G. (2020). A paradigm shift in sustainability: from lines to circles. Acta Innovations, 36, 5-16. (ISSN: 2300-5599)